This South Park episode is the no. 57 of the Comedy Central series South Park. It originally aired on July 19, 2000. It is part 1 of a two-part episode. It links the events and some of the characters of the South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut into the animated series.
Frightened into piety by Father Maxi's fire-and-brimstone sermon, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny begin to attend Sunday school classes with a nun named Sister Anne, who teaches them about Communion and confession. Issues arise when the children begin to ask questions regarding their classmates Kyle, who is Jewish, and Timmy, who is disabled and can say little more than his own name. The priest explains that both will go to Hell if they do not confess their sins. Later, in the confessional, Father Maxi tries to choke Cartman after he unwittingly confesses all the pranks he has played on the priest.
This is a South park episode in which the religion is satirized so, as a warning: Watching this South Park episode may bother religious people.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Meanwhile, in Hell, Satan is torn between two lovers: Chris, an overly sensitive man he is living with (voiced by Dian Bachar), and Saddam Hussein, Satan's emotionally abusive ex, whom he had killed at the end of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Satan is surprised to see Saddam, though Saddam points out the obvious logic: "Yeah, you killed me. Where was I gonna go, Detroit?" It is apparent that Satan is still attracted to Saddam, and he struggles to choose between him and Chris.
Back in South Park, the boys, frightened of dying without having confessed all their sins, are rushing to church when Kenny is run over by a bus. When they arrive at the church, they discover Father Maxi copulating with a woman in the confessional. The children, horrified at the priest's blatant sinfulness and hypocrisy, decide that they will have to save everyone themselves. The episode ends with Cartman using a bullhorn and a stereotypical, exaggerated Southern preacher's accent on a street corner, directing a large group of children to the creation of a new religious movement.