South Park Sarcastaball episode marks the beginning of the second half of South Park season 16. This episode is the eighth episode of the sixteenth season of the American animated sitcom South Park, and the 231st episode of the series overall. It premiered on Comedy Central in the United States on September 26, 2012 and is rated TV-MA L. In this episode Randy Marsh (Stan's dad) "makes the cards". Randy, who is concerned about the drastic changes to elementary school football using frequent concussions in professional football as an excuse, creates a new version of the game that quickly becomes the nation's most popular sport. In the meantime Randy deals with the problem of being unable to speak without sarcasm.
I have to admit that this new South Park episode is not one of the greatest creations of Matt and Stone, it is kind of mediocre.Anyway it is fun to watch.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Although Stan and his friends look askance at Sarcastaball, Butters proves to be a morale booster for his team, telling them that they must draw upon their "creamy center" where the "happy, loving goo" sits, a fact that allows them to be good to the others. So, the nation's youth embrace Sarcastaball over football and a National Sarcastaball League is created, and Marsh is made coach of the Denver Broncos, completed with sardonic cheerleaders and acerbic halftime performers. When this takes him away from coaching South Park Elementary, the team makes Butters team captain.
When Cartman tells Butters that his inability to be nice to people makes him a poor Sarcastaball player, Butters tells him that everyone has a creamy goo inside them that can make them good to others. Butters shows Eric a closet filled of jars of this "goo", which turns out to be semen that he has stored from his nocturnal emissions, some of which Cartman and the other players ingest in order to improve their game. This tactic spreads until a popular sports drink made of semen is publicly marketed and endorsed by professional players.
Meanwhile, after Randy's wife, Sharon, expresses to Randy her concern that he has become unable to speak without being sarcastic, they consult a doctor, who tells them that sarcasm has caused Randy irreversible brain damage. Randy then goes to his son's Sarcastaball game to plead with the crowd that sarcasm, and the game based on it, is dangerous. Stan and Cartman tell Randy that when Butters says that competitiveness can be compassionate, he is not being sarcastic, but entirely sincere, and that Randy is simply too grumpy to consider that the game can be played sincerely. When Stan gives his father some of the "sports drink" to boost his feelings of caring and goodness, Randy realizes it is semen. As a result, Butters is grounded for having others consume his semen. When he subsequently experiences an erection, his father tells him it is a "friendly compass" that informs him when friends are near, and that it is pointing up because Jesus is his friend.