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South Park - Season 11 - Episode 1410 - Insheeption
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South Park Insheeption
Stan and Mr. Mackey suffer from compulsive hoarding, and a group of experts try to find out the reasons for this, which leads to Stan getting trapped in Mr. Mackey's dream.
South Park Spoiler Alert! (The complete plot for this South Park Episode) 
After Wendy expresses concern that Stan suffers from compulsive hoarding, he agrees to have it checked. A hoarding specialist named Dr. Chinstrap helps Stan go through his locker, which is quite stuffed with a number of disgusting items, including a maggot-infested sandwich and broken toothbrush which Stan, who soon loses his composure, refuses to give up. They send him to Mr. Mackey, who does not know what hoarding is; Stan discovers that Mackey is a hoarder himself. Stan and Mackey, along with a sheep herder named Mr. Yelman (repeatedly misidentified as a sheep "hoarder"), are hooked up to a machine which Chinstrap and his assistant Dr. Pinkerton explains that they will help them figure out why they are hoarders by drifting them to their subconscious. Moments later in Mackey's subconscious he is being bullied by a boy named Billy Thompson, who threatens to attack Mackey at a field trip the next day. Mackey then runs into Stan and the sheep hoarder who, as the scientists explain in reality, are there because of the power of Mackey's dream. Within the dream, Stan goes home with Mackey and tries to talk him out of the dream, but Mackey instead plays with his Lite-Brite and old toys and watches ZOOM. Randy insists he has to rescue his son from the dream despite Chinstrap's warning that he will be stuck there forever. The dream moves on to the next morning where Stan, Mackey, the sheep hoarder, and the kids board a bus for the field trip. Stan suddenly sees Randy, who is for some reason a butterfly. Stan asks if he has come to help but Randy reveals that, while that was his intention, he is more concerned with getting "butterfly poon". Pinkerton claims that they have called in another group of "experts" in the form of the main characters from Inception (one of them shapeshifting into NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck) to go into the dream to create a "dream within a dream" and rescue them, with Chinstrap providing boombox sounds recreating Inception's music theme during the explanation. The second group, the cast from Inception, comes in shooting at people before going into the dream, where they proceed to shoot even more people in the woods as the group arrives. Stan, the sheep hoarder and Mackey are introduced to Woodsy Owl, an owl with the tagline "give a hoot, don't pollute" before being put in with Billy and his two friends. Chinstrap and Pinkerton are now seen courting firefighters to get into the dream and begin trying to explain the events to Sharon (Compared to a taco inside of a taco inside a Taco Bell inside a KFC within a mall inside a dream), who claims it all sounds ridiculous and stupid. A pizza guy arrives and is sent in as well, as Sharon is told she does not understand because she is not smart. Within the dream, Mackey and Stan are running from the bullies when Stan convinces Mackey to stand up for himself. Mackey prepares for a fight. Back in reality, Chinstrap decide the dream has become too powerful, and at this point they must court "the most powerful dream infiltrator in the world" who is Freddy Krueger. While Freddy Krueger does not wish to come back, they convince him to help out a final time. Within Mackey's dream, the second group of experts arrive to kill Billy Thompson and the tormentors before the fire fighters arrive, which they assumed would cure Mackey and end the dream. But when they realized Mackey's not waking up, he remembers what happened, explaining he ran from the bullies and went into a shack, where someone talked nice to him but then touched him in a bad way. Mackey then comes upon that same shack and enters, revealing another young Mackey being sexually molested by Woodsy Owl. Woodsy then turns into a nightmarish monster, killing the sheep hoarder and overpowering the Inception cast before being killed from behind by Freddy Krueger. With Woodsy destroyed, everyone wakes up and Mackey explains he must have become a hoarder because of Woodsy's tagline about not polluting. Freddy expresses remorse because he could not save the sheep herder (ironically the only one who recognises him correctly as a shepherd). They suggest to Stan that he move on to his own therapy now, but he claims to have a better idea. He is then seen throwing out the items in his locker. Wendy and Kyle ask him what his problem was and Stan says that after what happened with Mackey, he does not want any therapy. Kyle suggests that maybe that "was your therapy". Finally, Chinstrap comes out again doing the Inception soundtrack as the episode ends.