South Park - Episode 0202 - Original Air Date: 22nd April 1998
This is an important South Park episode as the mad scientist Mephesto is about to announce who Cartman's father is. The problem is that the lights goes out and Mephesto is shot. Shortly a new question raises "Who shot Mephesto?".
Chef rushes out the door with Mephisto in hand.
Upon entering the hospital, they meet Dr. Doctor, and Nurse Goodley, a nurse with no arms; they are the only ones working in the hospital. Meanwhile, back in town, the America's Most Wanted crew shows up, wanting to base an episode on Mephisto's shooting mystery. They run through auditions for Mephisto, Chef, Officer Barbrady, Mr. Garrison, and Kevin to play out a reenactment.
They must fight against time to learn Eric's background, who is his father? Where does he come from?
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

While the rest of the people in town and a visiting television crew film a reenactment for America's Most Wanted, a tree falls on the power line causing the power to go out. All of the people are now stuck in a little building until the storm lets up. After only a few minutes, Jimbo comes up with the reckless solution of cannibalism in order to stay alive, since no one has had any food in hours. They choose to eat Eric Roberts first, and later the rest of the production crew. The power also goes out back in the hospital. Regardless, a plan must be made to put it back on. Dr. Doctor suggests that they split into two teams: team A, consisting of everyone in the room except Kenny and team B, consisting of Kenny. His job is to reconnect the generator, while Team A goes upstairs to a lounge, with Dr. Doctor giving advice to Kenny via walkie-talkie. Kenny is later told by Doctor that there is a nice, heated path to the generator, but only after arriving, much to his annoyance.
Once Kenny gets to the generator, he discovers that there is no wire connecting the cords, so he decides to make the connection himself to restore the electricity, fatally electrocuting himself in the process. Thanks to his brave deed, the power is back on at the hospital so Mephesto can survive. After revealing his shooter was his brother (who apparently tries to shoot him often), he gathers everyone in the emergency room for a surprising revelation of Cartman's father: his mother Liane. The group is shocked upon hearing this and Mephesto explains that Liane is a hermaphrodite. He also reveals that hermaphrodites cannot have children, so Liane must have made another woman pregnant and that woman gave birth to Eric, which prompts the narrator's final question: Who is Cartman's mother? An angered Cartman, however, refuses to pursue the issue further.