South Park - Episode 0211 - Original Air Date: 02nd September 1998
This South park episode is an allusion to the Star Trek episode "Dagger of the Mind".
The class goes on a bus trip to the local planetarium. Cartman is tempted by a Cheesy Poofs truck outside, auditioning kids to sing the Cheesy Poofs song on their next TV advertisement.
Strange things are happening at the planetarium, which lead Stan, Kyle and Kenny to investigate. Together, with help from Mr. Mackey and Nurse Gollem, the boys uncover a sinister secret being concealed by the planetarium's director, Dr. Adams. Meanwhile, Cartman wins the Cheesy Poof singing contest.
In this South Park episode we find out Cartman's full name - Eric Theodore Cartman.
Poor Kenny dies after he spontaneously exploded due to the intensity of planetarium demonstration - R.I.P. dear Kenny.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Cartman sings the Cheesy Poofs song and then gets selected to sing it on TV, after cheating and browbeating his way past the other contestants. His performance is so bad, though, that only one word of it is used in the final advertisement. ("lame", with Cartman in a ridiculous Cheesy Poof costume)
In the meantime, school counselor Mr. Mackey, who uses an ancient school counselor technique called a "mind meld", and school nurse Nurse Gollum have learned of the mind control device through a kid who escaped the planetarium named Van Gelder. They race to stop Dr. Adams, and a showdown occurs at the planetarium, with Stan, Kyle, Mr. Mackey and Nurse Gollum against Dr. Adams and Officer Barbrady (brainwashed to believe that he is Elvis). The boys, Mackey, and Nurse Gollum are successfully captured, tied down, and brainwashed into forgetting everything they found out.
However, in the middle of the process, Cartman, angry at the other boys for missing his commercial debut, kicks the star projector, sending the full blast of the mind control machine into Dr. Adams' brain. With no one around to say anything, Dr. Adams becomes a mindless shell collapsed against the back wall, which fascinates Kyle and Stan. Cartman is elated that he not only was on TV, but saved the day as well. At the end, Liane is still telling Eric not to "pick his nose."