Some info and a short description of this South Park episode on South Park Zone:
outh Park - Bloody Mary is episode 14 of season 9 of the Comedy Central series South Park. It originally aired on December 7, 2005.
In the United States, this episode is rated TV-MA. This is the second time in the history of the series that a season finale was aired in December but was not a Christmas themed episode.
Randy's drinking problem is mistaken for a disease when he admits himself into Alcoholics Anonymous following an arrest for drunk driving.
Please be aware that this episode can be considered outrageous by some Christian people!
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Next day in school, a very embarrased Stan asks Kyle and Cartman to keep quiet about last night's events.
After Randy's license was revoked he is ordered to perform community service and to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, where he is taught that he is powerless to control his drinking and that alcoholism is a disease. It also calls for him to surrender himself to a "Higher Power" in order to get better. The meetings turn out to be religious, making the attendees believe they are powerless to control their drinking and only a higher power can make them quit and that alcoholism is a "disease". Although sceptical at first, Randy easily gets convinced and he is later shown to be drinking more and more at his home and using a wheelchair. Stan, knowing his father is a hypochondriac, tries to convince his father that he only needs to drink less, however, Randy insists that he can only be cured by "a miracle".
Around this time, a statue of the Virgin Mary begins to bleed and people begin to flock around it to find a cure for their diseases. Randy believes it can heal him of his disease.
Randy has Stan drive him to the church where the statue is, and—after cutting in line, arguing that his "disease" is worse than that of others—he is drenched in the holy blood. He jumps up and declares that he will not drink any more, and abstains from alcohol for five days.
The next day Randy takes a reluctant Stan to his AA meeting in Whistlin' Willy's. On the news, they see Pope Benedict XVI investigating the statue. The Pope ultimately decides it is not a miracle, so Randy suddenly realizes he was not cured by God and declares himself powerless again. All the other recovering alcoholics follow suit and raid the bar. Randy rushes out of the building with drinks, but Stan catches up. After a long speech he finally succeeds in convincing his father that he was the one in control all along, thus Randy says he will never drink again.
Stan objects to this too, saying that if Randy completely avoids drinking, drinking is still controlling his life, and that true discipline is figuring out how to live in moderation. Randy then puts Stan on his shoulders and walks home while the two discuss how much drinking would be proper.