South Park - Cripple Fight is episode 67 of the animated series South Park. It originally aired on June 27, 2001.
Jimmy Vulmer has his debut in thisSouth Park episode.
Stan, Cartman, Kenny, and Timmy have joined Mountain Scouts troop number 69 and are on their way to their first meeting. When they arrive, they find that their scoutmaster is Big G. Al. The boys enjoy themselves at the meeting and decide that they like Mountain Scouts, but some parents fear that Big G. Al will be a poor influence on the boys.
Big G. Al is fired from being a scoutmaster due to his orientation. Meanwhile, Jimmy Vulmer becomes Timmy's enemy, and they will fight! and what a fight!...
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)
Big G. Al, after a lifetime of membership, he is thrown out of Mountain Scouts. A new, masculine, scoutmaster named Mr. Grazier is appointed and he promises the parents he will whip the boys into line and make them good scouts, but proceeds to force them to pose for n*ked pictures with a threat to beat them up if they let this slip.
Meanwhile, Jimmy joins Mountain Scouts. Jimmy is a stand-up comedian and immediately becomes very popular. Timmy, becomes incredibly jealous of the adoration given to the new kid. Timmy tries to undermine Jimmy in any way possible, including offering him an orange parka as a gift, in order to make him resemble Kenny (playing off the running gag that Kenny dies in almost every episode in the first few seasons) and even though Jimmy is nearly killed by a falling safe, a plane, a hawk, a fire, a stampede of cows, and gunshots from Jimbo and Ned, his efforts proved futile.
In an attempt to get rid of Mr. Grazier without giving away his secret, the boys assemble their own protest march all the way to the grocery store parking lot, and use Jimmy’s stand-up comedy to draw in a crowd. However, the performance goes sour when he tries to enlist Timmy’s participation, and Timmy refuses. Quickly, they break out into a lengthy fistfight. A very excited Cartman calls it a "cripple fight" and quickly gathers everyone to watch. From the outside, the crowd seems to be for the boy's protest, so it is picked up by the South Park media. A national controversy erupts as the Mountain Scouts are called a hate group by the media and prominent supporters like Steven Spielberg withdraw their support.
Big G. Al sues the Mountain Scouts, while Mr. Grazier is revealed to be a ped. who goes by the name "Mr. Slippyfist" and is arrested. Although the Colorado State Supreme Court rules in Big G. Al's favor orders the Mountain Scouts to take him back, he refuses, saying that he loves scouts too much to impose his will on them, and while they should be talked into changing their mind and he begs people not to cut their funding or support for the scouts, adding that as the Scouts are a private organization, he believes it is their libertarian right to form their own policies. Meanwhile Kenny is carried off by an eagle but in the end of episode, Kenny is in the Mountain Scout meeting with other kids totally alive and healthy.
At the scouts meeting at the end of the episode, Timmy brings up a picture modified in Photoshop of Jimmy's head on an actual, non-animated man's body, embracing another man. Due to the scouts rules, Jimmy is booted out of the scouts. The episode ends with Timmy declaring "Timmy!" in delight.