Some info and a short description of this South Park episode on South Park Zone:
South park - The Death of Eric Cartman is a episode 6 of season 9 of the Comedy Central series South Park. It originally aired April 13, 2005.
The kids of South Park retaliate against Cartman by ignoring him after he eats all the skin off of the chicken Kyle, Kenny and Stan were going to eat causing Cartman to think that he has died. With the help of Butters, (who is the only one that can "see" him) Cartman tries to atone his sins on earth, for he cannot go to the afterlife without doing so.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Butters, however, is not privy to his friends' resolution to ignore Cartman and so greets him as he passes by in a state of despair. Cartman immediately convinces him that he is a ghost, terrifying Butters. Cartman "appears" to Butters in his room at night, only to have his parents threaten to ground him if he keeps having "nightmares". Cartman threatens to haunt Butters unless he helps his soul achieve peace, as Butters seems to have the unique psychic capability of seeing and hearing him. Cartman first has Butters apologize to everyone on his behalf, which fails to impress his ex-friends but gets his mother crying. No one realizes that Cartman thinks he is dead. Cartman makes emotional goodbyes to Butters, believing that he will now be permitted to go to heaven. When this fails to happen, Butters suggests to Cartman that he might need to atone for past sins. Cartman draws a long list of all the terrible things he has done, and delivers gift baskets to all the victims including Sally Struthers, Scott Tenorman, and Kyle's synagogue. When this too fails, Cartman goes berserk, destroys Butters' room with a baseball bat, and disappears before his parents turn up. A doctor is called and decides that Butters might suffer from a deep trauma. To find out for sure, Butters is taken in a mental institution and subjected to a terrifying series of tests including being anally probed by a vibrating machine for over 14 hours while suspended in the air. Now genuinely traumatized, Butters accepts that he has been imagining Cartman's visits, but then Cartman breaks into the asylum to get his help again.
The two consult a psychic, who suggests that God has kept Cartman on Earth to help with some kind of crisis. When they hear of a hostage situation at a Red Cross center, the boys set off and Cartman manages to stop the criminals by moving things around in the style of a poltergeist. The robbers are merely befuddled at the child's behavior, which provides enough of a distraction for Butters to release the hostages and the police to subdue the criminals. Cartman and Butters are credited with saving the day, "armed only with the weapon of confusion", as a news reporter puts it. Cartman and Butters exchange goodbyes and emotional protestations of friendship for the third time when the other boys turn up and praise Cartman's heroic behavior. They tell him they are willing to be his friend again, thinking he has truly changed. When they leave, Cartman now realizes that he was merely being ignored and is outraged. He again goes berserk and blames Butters for the misunderstanding, threatening terrible retaliation. Butters's parents arrive with the doctor, making Butters realize he is going back to the asylum.
They deduce that the girls will be using the device at Heidi Turner's sleepover party, and they arrange for Butters to go to the party disguised as a girl.
Butters, having little idea of what to do at girls' parties, is very awkward. After Marjorine screams in fear as the girls play "Light as a feather, stiff as a board", they insult her about her clothing and body. This causes Butters to get upset, and he runs into Heidi's bathroom crying. and locks himself in. Wendy and Bebe, who were gentler than the other girls, say that they were probably too hard on Marjorine, saying that "it must be tough being the new kid", causing the girls immediately realize that they were wrong to tease her like that. They persuade Marjorine to come out of the bathroom, then they give her a makeover, and invite her to dance.
Meanwhile, Linda is still distraught by the loss of her son, and Steven is deeply troubled by her sorrow, also missing Butters. Unprompted, he is told by an old mechanic (last seen in "Asspen") not to dig Butters' body up and re-bury him at the Indian burial ground. The mechanic tells him "Don't do it Stotch! Sometimes, what you take out of the ground ain't the same thing you put in!" Stephen Stotch - who had no intention of doing such a thing until the old man put the notion in his head, and no obvious knowledge of any Indian Burial Ground - does however exhume Butters' 'remains' and re-bury the pig-carcass there, believing this will bring Butters back to life.
Butters dressed as Marjorine, is just starting to have fun with the girls, dancing to "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake, when Heidi's father spots Craig,who is using binocluuars to look in on Butters. Butters, thinking that he's been found out, quickly snatches the device, and leaves. He then quickly gives it to the other boys, before going home to tell his parents that he's not really dead. The boys decide the power of possessing the device is too great and dangerous for them to withhold. They decide to have Kenny explode the device rather than defend it from the girls the CIA, terrorists and Russians. The resulting explosion is visible from space.
Meanwhile, Butters' parents have now convinced themselves that their child will return as a demon. He knocks on the door but they do not want to see him back from the dead. Butters returns home to his terrified parents who lock him in the basement and chain him up. When he says he is hungry, his parents murder a saleswoman with a shovel in front of him, and offer him up her corpse to feed on, still believing Butters to be hell-spawn. The episode ends with Butters asking for SpaghettiOs instead.