This South Park episode was originally aired on 17th September 1997
n this South Park Episode Stan's Grandpa turns 102, and all he wants for his birthday is Stan to kill him. While Kyle is watching Terrance and Phillip, his mother becomes enraged, and calls everybody's parents. Now nobody can watch the show anymore, and the parents organize a movement to end the show. The parents go off to New York to confront the network about the show. Back in South Park Stan begins to sympathize with Grandpa and agrees to kill him. Death shows up but instead goes after the boys.
In this South Park episode not only does Kenny die, but his father dies too. Mr. McCormick is the first protester to be launched into the TV network building.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

Meanwhile, Kenny suffers from a bout of "explosive diarrhea", which spreads to others in the town, including the people protesting Terrance and Phillip. Despite objecting to the show, the people laugh at the real-life toilet humor. With the people out of town for the protest, the boys are free to watch Terrance and Phillip at their leisure. Grandpa Marvin continues asking Stan to kill him, and demonstrates how terrible his life is by locking Stan in a room and forcing him to listen to music in the style of Enya. The boys finally agree to kill Grandpa Marsh, and try to do so by rigging a cow on a pulley and dropping it on him. Just as they are about to do it, Death himself arrives, but starts chasing after the boys instead of Grandpa Marvin.
While fleeing, Stan calls his mother, who is too busy protesting Terrance and Phillip to listen to his problems. Eventually, the network agrees to take the show off the air, not because of the deaths but because of the stench of the protesters' explosive diarrhea. Meanwhile, Death continues chasing the boys, but stops in front of a television playing Terrance and Phillip. Death and the boys start laughing together, but after it is taken off the air, Death angrily touches and kills Kenny. Angered, Grandpa Marvin demands Death to kill him, but Death refuses. It was then Death brought in the spirit of Stan's great great grandfather (Marvin's grandfather). The spirit, who was killed by Marvin when he was Stan's age, warns Marvin that he must die of natural causes and not place the burden of his suicide on anybody else shoulders. "Terrence and Phillip" is finally cancelled, much to the boy's horror. Grandpa Marvin instead decides to visit Africa, where over 400 people are "naturally" eaten by lions every year. The episode ends with the boys laughing, and then laughing harder when Kyle farts.