This South Park episode was originally aired on 29th October 1997
The first Halloween South Park episode starts off with the failure of the Mir Space Station, which crashes right on Kenny. An ambulance comes and takes his body off to the morgue. The boys start to brag about their Halloween costumes. At the morgue, a freak accident involving a bottle of Worcestershire occurs, and next thing you know Kenny is a member of the undead. Kenny breaks free and wanders off into the night.
Principal Victoria has her first appearance in this South Park episode.
South Park Spoiler Alert!
(The complete plot for this South Park Episode)

The two morgue workers visit the doctor, who discovers they have no pulse or heartbeat and possess an urge to eat brains. Based on their sticky and puffy eyes, he diagnoses them with pinkeye. Back at school, Kyle is disappointed when he sees that almost all the children are seen dressed up like Chewbacca. Even Wendy has dressed up as Chewbacca, much to the consternation of Stan, who is mocked by the other students for dressing as Raggedy Andy. Principal Victoria and Chef become upset about Cartman’s costume during lunchtime, so Principle Victoria decides to make him a ghost costume to wear over his Hitler costume, which actually ends up looking like a Ku Klux Klan uniform. Even though Kyle makes an impressive new costume as a model of the solar system, Wendy wins the contest for her Chewbacca costume, with Kenny winning second and Stan winning 'Worst Costume' and having everyone laugh at him.
Meanwhile, zombies begin attacking residents throughout South Park, although everyone still believes it is the pinkeye outbreak. Only Chef realizes the epidemic is actually a wave of the living dead. He visits the doctor and tries to explain the problem, but the doctor does not believe him until they are attacked by zombies, and Chef narrowly escapes by leaping out of a glass window as the doctor is eaten. Chef also tries to warn Mayor McDaniels and Officer Barbrady, who are engaged in some sort of sex scandal, but they do not believe him either as they began making fun of him in his Evel Knievel costume. As the zombies continue to ravage the town, the boys (also oblivious of the zombies) go trick-or-treating, but their attempts to get candy are constantly ruined when Kenny bites everyone that answers the doorbell and hands out candy.
The boys angrily leave Kenny and visit Chef, who tells them about the zombie problem. They visit the morgue, where they discover the bottle of Worcestershire sauce. A horde of zombies attack them and Chef gets turned into a zombie ala Michael Jackson. Stan and Cartman hold the zombies off by using chainsaws as Kyle calls the hotline number on the Worcestershire sauce bottle. The operator first warns Kyle not to go decapitating zombies left and right, while Stan and Cartman continue to do just that. She then tells Kyle to kill the original zombie, which will turn all the other zombies back to normal. A zombie version of Wendy walks toward Stan to attack him, but he cannot bring himself to kill her. Kyle uses a chainsaw to kill the zombie version of Kenny , returning Wendy, Chef, and the rest of the zombies back to normal. Later, Kenny is buried at the South Park cemetery. After the boys are done paying their respects, they leave while making fun of Cartman for his mother being on the cover of a pornography magazine. After they leave the cemetery, Kenny suddenly comes out of his grave having been put back together with medical staples, only to have a statue from another grave fall on him, and a jet crash into them.